
Safe, efficient and fast native Node extensions with Rust

Published November 26, 2019 - (Updated October 5, 2022)

When writing server applications with Node.js, sometimes JavaScript just doesn't cut it and you need to employ native code. This could be because of a few different reasons:

  1. You need to complete a CPU-bound task Because JavaScript runs inside a VM, every operation will take longer than the native equivalent. At a high level, this is because a VM needs to interpret the code and translate it into machine code to run on the system as the program is executing. This process is greatly improved by techniques such as Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation but it's still nowhere close to native speeds.

  2. You need to quickly and often create and destroy memory As JavaScript is a garbage-collected language, creating and destroying lots of object and arrays can be very expensive and slow. This is compounded by the fact that no-one really knows when the JavaScript garbage compiler runs, resulting in random and unpredictable stalls.

  3. You need to multi-thread your code Node.js recently added the Worker API which allow developers to multi-thread their JavaScript code. Unfortunately, not only is the overhead of creating workers and message passing is quite high, but the interface is tedious. Libraries like microjob have made efforts to combat both points, but projects like Rayon in Rust are more performant and easier to work with.

Typically when you needed a native module you'd be stuck writing add-ons in C or C++ - but thanks to Neon, this is no longer the case.

Installing Rust

In order to start developing Rust code to work with JavaScript - you first need to install the Rust development tool-chain. This is first done by installing the Rust tool-chain manager rustup. You can lean how to do it here.. After installing rustup and configuring your PATH, it's time to install Neon.

Getting started with Neon

Before starting a Neon project, you have to install the CLI. The Neon CLI can easily be installed by using the NPM package manager.

npm i -g neon-cli

After the installation is complete, you can bootstrap a new project by running the new command.

neon new <project-name>

With the new project created, navigate to the new <project-name> directory and run npm install to install dependencies. Neon also builds your rust code through the install command, so you'll see it compile as well. If there are any errors at this point, ensure that you have the Rust tool-chain properly installed.

Creating your first project

Let's make a simple project that finds the factorial of n.

Before getting started, you'll need to add the rayon crate to your native/Cargo.toml file.

Rayon is an awesome library with a simple interface that allows you to take full advantage of your system by multi-threading many of the common tasks done by Rust iterators.

neon = "0.3.3"
rayon = "1.2.1"

After adding it to your native/Cargo.toml file, run cd native && cargo build to check that everything builds correctly.

Now that everything is ready to go, start by opening native/src/lib.rs in your favourite editor.

In order to use neon and rayon they need to be imported. rayon and neon both expose a prelude of common stable APIs. For convenience, just include the entire prelude.

extern crate neon;
extern crate rayon;

use neon::prelude::*;
use rayon::prelude::*;

As this task is going to be multi-threaded, it makes sense to make it not block the main JavaScript thread. In order to write async code with Neon, we have to create a "Task" struct. The contents of this struct is extra information / params that are needed by the async task. We'll add n to the struct, to depict the number that we will sum up to.

struct FactorialTask {
    n: usize

In order to allow Neon to run our task we need to implement the Task trait. The task trait requires you to define three types Output, Error and JsEvent.

  • The Output type is the output of your task - as a rust type.
  • The Error type is the type of error your task would throw - as a rust type.
  • The JsEvent type is the output of your task - as a JavaScript type.

Neon exposes every type that is supported by JavaScript. For a full list, visit the neon docs page.

impl Task for FactorialTask {
    type Output = u128;
    type Error = String;
    type JsEvent = JsNumber;

The next part of the Task trait that needs to be implemented is the perform function. This is the function is what does all the work.

The factorial of a number if all the numbers from 1 to n multiplied together. When the task is run in parallel 1 * 2 may be added together in one thread while 3 * 4 is added together in another thread, and so on. In theory, for large values of n this should be very fast - although at that point we might exceed the limit of u128.

into_par_iter() is what does the rayon magic here. Another variant on this is the common par_iter() which you can use on Vec and slices.

fn perform(&self) -> Result<Self::Output, Self::Error> {
        let result = (1..self.n + 1)
            .map(|x| x as u128)

As there are some cases when reduce_with can fail, result will be set to an Option object. Using Rust pattern matching, you can check for a value, else return an error.

if let Some(value) = result {
        } else {
            Err(String::from("Something went wrong"))

After that is complete, the final part of the Task trait to implement is the complete function. This function is called after the async task is completed, and it's main role is to convert the output value of the task into something that is readable by Neon and JavaScript.

In this example, we convert our result to a number using cx.number(), although the respective methods exist for each primitive.

fn complete(
        mut cx: TaskContext,
        result: Result<Self::Output, Self::Error>,
    ) -> JsResult<Self::JsEvent> {
        Ok(cx.number(result.unwrap() as f64))

Next you need to create the JavaScript handler method. Inside this method you need to parse the arguments from the JavaScript call and register the task. Arguments are parsed using the cx.argument::<type>() method. If the coercion to a particular type fails, it will return an error from the JavaScript function.

fn factorial(mut cx: FunctionContext) -> JsResult<JsUndefined> {
    let n = cx.argument::<JsNumber>(0)?.value() as usize;

    let task = FactorialTask { n };

    let callback = cx.argument::<JsFunction>(1)?;


With all the code complete, you can use the register_module! macro from the neon crate to register your JavaScript function.

register_module!(mut cx, { cx.export_function("factorial", factorial) });

Build and Run

Now that the native component of the library is complete, it's time to build and run the extension. To do so, just run npm install from your extension. You should see messages from cargo stating that's it's compiling.


To execute you extension, update lib/index.js to call the factorial function.

var addon = require("../native");

addon.factorial(10, (error, value) => console.log(value));

And just like that, you've created your own hyper-parallel, native extension for Node.js. If you'd like to see more of the project, check out the Github repo.


  • By default the package.json file runs neon build. This only runs a debug build, to enable to optimized production build change it to neon build --release
  • This factorial is only an example and doesn't work past numbers after 25 or so. If doing this for real it's probably a good idea to use a BigNum implementation of some sort, such as this rayon example
  • Parsing JavaScript objects in Neon is very slow, it's best to parse them all at once and only work with Rust structs
  • There's currently no good way of distributing compiled Neon binaries. Anyone that consumes your library will need to have the Rust tool-chain installed

Bennett is a Software Engineer working at Foxglove. He spends most of his day playing with TypeScript and his nights programming in Rust. You can follow him on Github.
This work by Bennett Hardwick is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0Creative Commons CC logoCreative Commons BY logoCreative Commons NC logoCreative Commons SA logo.